
Shorin-ryu (Kobayashi-ryu)

The tradition of the Shurite system passed on from Todee Sakugawa (1762-1843) to Matsumura Sokon (1809-1899) to Itosu Anko (1831-1915) was inherited by Choshin Chibana (1885-1969). He named it Shorin-ryu in 1933. Chibana established the Okinawa Shorin-ryu Karatedo Kyokai in January 1956 and became the association’s first president.

When asked about the characteristics of Shorin-ryu, Miyahira Katsuya (1918-2010) answered as follow. “The technical characteristic of Shorin-ryu resides in concentrating power in an instant. In that sense, it resembles Kendo. While in martial art speed is important, for speed and weight to create destructive power, one needs to nurture speed and weight through tanren (training). The exteriorization of power in Shorin-ryu should be generated from inside to outside without internal pressure or excessive breathing. As it also prevents unnecessary muscle fatigue, concentration is increased thus rearing agility, allowing to fully display striking power.”(Okinawa Dai Hyakka Jiten – Okinawa Large Encyclopedia)

Representative kata are Naifanchi (Shodan, Nidan, Sandan), Pinan (Shodan, Nidan, Sandan, Yondan, Godan), Itosu no Passai, Matsumura no Passai, Kusanku (Dai & Sho), Chinto, Jion, Gojushiho, etc…

Today, Okinawa Shorin-ryu is composed of the Okinawa Shorin-ryu Karatedo Kyokai (1st president Chibana Choshin, 2nd president Miyahira Katsuya, 3rd president Ishikawa Seitoku), the Okinawa Karatedo Shorin-ryu Shorinkan Kyokai (President Nakazato Shugoro) and the Okinawa Shorin-ryu Karatedo  Kyudokan Rengokai (1st president Higa Yuchoku, 2nd president Higa Minoru).
Okinawa Shorin-ryu was inherited mainly in Shuri and is passed on as a traditional system of karate. Its tenor is different from the Shotokan-ryu developed and spread by Funakoshi Gichin in Tokyo. It was spread in Mainland Japan and overseas after the end of war starting from 1946. Today, each Okinawa Shorin-ryu branches has many branches in Mainland Japan, North and South America and Europe.


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